#15 - December 3, 2004

Dear Friends,

In the years between 1947 and 1962 Louis Massignon prayed together with members of the Badaliya in Paris on the First Friday of each month while Mary Kahil and members of the Badaliya in Cairo joined them in spirit along woth many others around the world. The first Friday was a day of fasting, followed by Mass and the gathering of members of the Badaliya for their monthly prayer.

In keeping with Massignon's tradition, this month we will gather in Massachusetts for our Badaliya prayer on Friday, December 3rd at 7pm in Medford. For those who are praying for World Peace in concert with the Union of Charles de Foucauld, December 3rd is the first Friday of the month, a day to join with folks from 150 countries around the world who are also fasting and praying for our World.

Since it is the beginning of Advent, themes of waiting, the Annunciation, Visitation come to mind. All themes rich in meaning and key to Massignon's experience of conversion and of Badaliya. The first Sunday of Advent, Psalm 122 was included. Here is a portion of it that we will read together as part of our Badaliya prayer. Please join us:

Psalm 122

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
May those who love you prosper!
May peace be within your walls,
prosperity in your buildings.
Because of my relatives and friends
I will say,"Peace be within you"!
Because of the house of the Lord, our God,
I will pray for your good.

Peace to you.