The Dance of Life

by Dorothy Buck
Paragon House, NY, 1987
ISBN 0-913757-52-7 paperback, 151 pages

Out of Print (Used copies may be available from Amazon or Barnes and Noble)


Table of Contents

  1. What is Dance?
    1. Dance as a Primitive Human Expression
    2. Life Force
    3. Religious Expression: The Language of Dance
    4. Music in Primitive Ritual Dancing
    5. Life Rhythm
    6. The European History of Ballet
    7. Classical Music and Dance
    8. Traditional Art
    9. The Turning Point: The Twentieth Century
  2. The Experience of Dance
    1. Ballet in America
    2. In Search of a Soul
    3. Creativity
    4. The Craft
    5. Symbol and Image
    6. Myth
    7. The Vicarious Experience
    8. A Voice in the Wilderness
  3. A Contemplative Theory of Dance
    1. Moved by the Spirit
    2. Aesthetics: A Philosophy of Dance
    3. Goodness, Truth and Beauty
    4. Harmony, Synchronization and Utility
    5. The Image of Wholeness
    6. The Lord of the Dance
    7. The Journey
    8. The Seven Mansions
Bibliographic notes