Louis Massignon, a pioneer of interfaith dialogue

The Badaliya prayer movement (1947-1962)

by Dorothy C. Buck
Blue Dome Press, New Jersey, London, Frankfort, Cairo, 2016
ISBN 978-1-68206-004-9 paperback, 306 pages

Available through Blue Dome Press, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.


Table of Contents

Preface by Sidney Griffith
The Original Statutes of the Badaliya 1947
Letter to Pope Pius XII in Rome Paris, September 4, 1953
The Badaliya Today
Books in English by Louis Massignon
Books in English about Louis Massignon
Articles about the Badaliya Prayer and a Muslim-Christian Pilgrimage
Ex-Voto of the Badaliya
The Emblem of Charles de Foucauld by Pierre Roche