Translation of plaque:
This old oratory is dedicated to Our Lady of Liesse,N.D.des Brûlons(des Ardriera) for the people of Pordic, alluding to the coastal fires. The great Orientalist, Louis Massignon (1883-1962), professor of the College de France, erected this cross in memory of his conversion, his return to the faith. (The Visitation of the Stranger) near to Baghdad (May 1908) where he was on an archeological mission. He placed the same celtic cross on a plaque as a votive offering in the Franciscan Church in Baghdad.
Louis Massignon often stayed in Pordic, in the Ville Éveque, on the other side of the valley. From his office he could see the oratory of the Brûlons built earlier by the Maximi family of the Ville Louais Apôtre de la Paix. In mutual understanding and as a particular friend of Charles de Foucauld, he promoted East-West dialogue on many levels, cultural, social, political, spiritual, scientific. In 1954 he instigated the Muslim/Christian pilgrimage gathering for "serene peace" at the ancient Breton Pardon of the Seven Sleepers, Saints of Ephesus venerated in Vieux Marché near Lannion, martyrs under Decius 2nd century, witnesses to faith in the Resurrection.
In Vieux Marché, the Dolmen crypt of the seven saints Chapel evokes the cave where the seven young Christians were buried alive in the mountains of Ephesus near the House of the Virgin.
Louis Massignon is buried in the cemetary in Pordic. The Seven Mercies sculpted by his father decorate the burial chapel door.
L.C.D. 1996